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הקמת מערך מכירות Establishing a sales system A sales setup consists of many parts, and each part has its own contribution in creating a comfortable and productive sales environment. A well-constructed system increases income and decreases expenses, which is why it is so important to plan it carefully. Each organization has its own unique needs and the adjustment of resources is carried out with reference to the nature of the activity. Some of the things that are important to take into account when approaching the project of improving the sales system in the organization: processes Recruitment - screening candidates, building a compensation model, training The customer journey (from an interested to a paying customer) - lead handling, call script, data optimization Measurement and reporting to superiors Feedback, guidance and training systems CRM - one that suits the business, efficient, convenient Switchboard - configured to serve the customer, employees and business goals Utility software that complements the employee and customer experience [WhatsApp, Teams, Outlook, Zoom, etc.] As part of the project to establish or improve your sales system, we will help in choosing and characterizing the best systems for you in order to produce a comprehensive solution that will increase the productivity of the employees, reduce the expenses of the business and increase the satisfaction of the customers. We will build sales processes that will shorten the handling times of inquiries, increase the closing percentages and make your employees more productive and more satisfied. for a quote
- הדרכת אנשי מכירות | פלא מכירות
Sales training הדרכת אנשי מכירות In the minutes before the training, when the sales representatives start to fill the chairs, I hear them talking to each other excitedly for the meeting that is about to start, the conversations repeat themselves "we haven't been in training since we started working", "I'm dying to hear how this objection can be handled". Good sales training is done in the format of a workshop - that is, the audience is a main part of the conversation, it's not a lecture - it's a discussion, by the very fact that bringing salespeople from different sales styles, seniority and performance into a room already creates an environment that has the accumulated knowledge of many years with a lot of inspiration that can be transferred from one to another. My job is to aim for a solution and refine where it is lacking. Sales people like to talk about sales - they like to talk about their successes, which helps others to be inspired, and talk about the difficulties in order to find in the room a solution or tools that will help them deal with the difficulty. Every time I am surprised anew by the intensity of the discussions, as if a load had accumulated in their stomachs that they were just waiting to unload somewhere, this release in itself - raises them to a level. Don't make the mistake of thinking that the veteran salespeople are wasting their time in sales training - again and again I find that they are actually the biggest gainers, they implement the fastest and although it seems that they received fewer new tools - the translation of these tools into money is much more significant. Before each sales training, we perform a thorough needs inquiry and accordingly prepare a training that will make your sales people pounce on the next opportunity to sell. for a quote
- פרוייקטים | פלא מכירות
Our Services erection Establishing a sales system from A to Z → technology, people, sales. read more Instruction Training, workshop , training or sales course - call it whatever you want, at the end the salespeople leave the room with fire in their eyes and looking for the next opportunity to sell. read more Escort Everything in sales is about relationships - let's run long distances together. read more
- הדרכת אנשי מכירות | פלא מכירות
Sales training הדרכת אנשי מכירות In the minutes before the training, when the sales representatives start to fill the chairs, I hear them talking to each other excitedly for the meeting that is about to start, the conversations repeat themselves "we haven't been in training since we started working", "I'm dying to hear how this objection can be handled". Good sales training is done in the format of a workshop - that is, the audience is a main part of the conversation, it's not a lecture - it's a discussion, by the very fact that bringing salespeople from different sales styles, seniority and performance into a room already creates an environment that has the accumulated knowledge of many years with a lot of inspiration that can be transferred from one to another. My job is to aim for a solution and refine where it is lacking. Sales people like to talk about sales - they like to talk about their successes, which helps others to be inspired, and talk about the difficulties in order to find in the room a solution or tools that will help them deal with the difficulty. Every time I am surprised anew by the intensity of the discussions, as if a load had accumulated in their stomachs that they were just waiting to unload somewhere, this release in itself - raises them to a level. Don't make the mistake of thinking that the veteran salespeople are wasting their time in sales training - again and again I find that they are actually the biggest gainers, they implement the fastest and although it seems that they received fewer new tools - the translation of these tools into money is much more significant. Before each sales training, we perform a thorough needs inquiry and accordingly prepare a training that will make your sales people pounce on the next opportunity to sell. for a quote